If you want to start you own business...

Get practical knowledge you can use right way. Solid real-wordl training from seasoned business professionals. We give you the skills you need to start and operate you own successful business. Plus, this program is full of inspiration and creativity. Self-employment training, the most practical business training program available.

Make your dreams a reality!

Now is the time to do it!

How To Apply

Applying is easy. Call, email or Facebook us to found out about the program, our 18+ years of experience, what the eligibility criteria is, and next steps.  

And you can ask so many questions as you want.

Inspiration - Motivation - Coaching - Planing - Mentoring

Micro Business Training Centre Inc.

203 EnergySquare

10109 – 106 Street

Edmonton, AB T5J3L7

Tel: 780.482.4462

Fax: 780.488.4950
