Rupertsland Institute

Delivers training and employment services to Métis citizens across Alberta. These services are offered at 10 office locations and through Mobile Employment Services (MES) in rural or remote communities. 


-Education Programs -Career Planning -Resumé writing and job search -Employment outlook -Local community resources -Job board and job banks -Computers, phone and fax resources for finding employment


-Asistance from an Employment Counsellor -Development of a training action plan -Career research and exploration -Application for funding assistance -Support while in training


-Assistance from a Job Coach -Assessment of marketable skills

-Development of a return-to-work action plan -Resumé-building assistance -Referrals to jobs and employers -Tools and equipment required for job opportunities

Financial Asistance

-The final two semester of a deree or diploma program -A one-year certificate program -Any year of technical training for a registered Alberta apprenticeship trade -Safety ticket or short course employment training-Education or employment support for a person with a disability

If you`re in the first few years of study at a post-secondary institution...

Métis Scholar Awards provide post-secondary funding for students in years one to three. You may qualify! Offered at the following post-secondary institutions: 

-Athabasca University

-Bow Valley College

-Grande Prairie Regional College

-Lakeland College

-Lethbridge College

-MacEwan University

-Medicine Hat College

-Mount Royal University


-NorQuest College

-Northern Lakes College

-Portage College


-University of Alberta

-University of Calgary

-University of Lethbrige

Apply directly to the post-secondary institution of your choice!

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for founding or support, Métis individuals must meet the following criteria: 

Provide valid proof of Métis ancestry, preferably with:

-A current membership from the Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA) of MNA membership from a parent, or

-A current membership from one of the governing members of the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan, Manitoba Métis Federation, Métis Nation of Ontario or acceptable genealogy